
Top 10 Best 6 Pack Exercises Ever

6 Pack Exercises
If you have a big fat tummy, then trust me this article is going to be one of the best gifts for your life. The Top 10 Best 6 Pack exercises will help you to get yourself the ideal body shape and personality which you always dreamed of. Best 6 Pack exercises are always not so easy to do but as they always say; No Pain No Gain! If you will be doing all of these 6 pack exercises on daily basis for couple of weeks or months, there are more than 100 % chances that not only will you reduce your tummy a couple of inches but you will also rid yourself of all the unwanted fat. The best way to perform any sort of physical exercise or activity is to perform them under the guidance of trained professionals. It is highly recommended not to perform any 6 pack Exercises which might cause you excessive pain. Enjoy the list of best 6 pack exercises and don’t forget to share them with all of your chubby friends so that they can thank you one day after getting rock hard abs because of these best 6 pack exercises!

10. Swiss Ball Crunches

6 Pack Exercises
To perform the Swiss Ball Crunches, you need a Swiss ball (duh). Lie on the Swiss ball while placing almost all your weight on the backbone area and hip joint with your feet and shoulders wide open. Now, you need to straighten your arms and point your fingers towards the ceiling. During this you need to contract your abs and stay there for at least 3 seconds. After this, slowly move yourself back to the parallel position on ball where you started from. If the Swiss Ball Crunches are done properly, there are much more chances of getting a 6 pack very soon but if you really want them, you need to perform some other 6 pack exercises as well.

9. Curling Crunches

6 Pack Exercises
Although the Curling Crunches 6 pack exercise looks pretty easy, it’s fairly difficult because a proper momentum is needed while maintaining form. The process of performing this 6 pack exercise is that first lay down straight face up on the floor. Now, move your hands towards your ears and lift your legs a bit so that they can become perpendicular to the floor. Then, holding this position with a strong and firm grip on your abs, move your right elbow across your body and touch the knee of your left leg. Slowly retreat your elbow to the starting position and do the same for the left elbow and right knee. Perform this for 10 to 15 times in one set for 3 sets daily. Curling Crunches ranks 9th in the Top 10 best 6 pack exercises list.

8. Seated Russian Abs Twists

6 Pack Exercises
To perform the Seated Russian Abs Twists, you definitely need good equipments and a gym atmosphere to do it properly. It is known to be one of the best 6 pack exercises ever and can be seen being done in almost every gym. To perform this 6 pack exercise, you need a decline bench with a place to hold your feet properly in such a way that they make a 90 degree angle. Now, hold your hands together like you are clapping them. Lift yourself a little bit to become parallel to the floor. Now, move your arms firmly to both sides of your body from the left to right and the right to left again. Try to perform semi circular movements with your arms while keeping your abs flexed and firm.  It’s been told that the Seated Russian Abs Twists 6 pack exercise should be done in as much speed as you can manage to get better results.

7. Vertical Raises

6 Pack Exercises
A straight 3 to 4 feet bench is needed to perform the Vertical Raises exercise. Lie down on it facing towards ceiling. Hold the bench behind your head for balance and support. Now, lift your hips slightly along with your legs facing towards to ceiling. During performing this 6 pack exercise, you need to contract the lower abs for at least 3 seconds every time you lift your body.  It’s been told by professionals that this 6 pack exercise is quite easy to perform if done under proper coaching. Vertical Raises are placed 7th in the Top 10 best 6 pack exercises list.

6. Diagonal Cable Chops

6 Pack Exercises
Now comes the easiest among these all 6 pack exercises; the Diagonal Cable Chops. To perform it, however, you need special equipment and proper gym training. To perform it, you need a pulley adjusted to the height of your shoulders. Put some weight on the pulley and move away from it to a small distance. The pulley is now at a 90 degree angle from your face. Open your feet and shoulders wide and grip the pulley handle with your hands. Now by keeping your arms straight to the shoulder height, cross the handle across your body and while going back try to slow it down. Make sure you keep your abs firm during the Diagonal Cable Chops because it will create a very good contraction with them. Do it with the other side as well and you will see genuine results by performing this 6 pack exercise quite quickly!

5. Jackknife Sit-ups

6 Pack Exercises
To perform this difficult 6 pack exercise known as Jackknife Sit-ups, you need to lie down straight on the floor. Next, move your arms and feet in a straight vertically towards each other so that your body makes a V. Make sure that the legs and arms remains straight while you touch both of them together and should be brought as close together as possible. Try to touch the tips of your fingers to the toes of your feet. Move up briskly but while moving down, try to reduce you speed. If you do the Jackknife Sit-ups properly you will feel as well as see the difference in your 6 packs! Jackknife Sit-ups ranks 5th in the Top 10 best 6 pack exercises list.

4. Sideways Leg Raises

6 Pack Exercises
To perform the 6 pack exercise called Sideways Leg Raises, lie down on the floor making a t shape with your legs straight and arms wide open. Now lift your legs to almost 90 degrees from the ground. Try to   keep your feet together to increase the effectiveness of this 6 pack exercise. Now, try to move the legs as far as you can from the extreme left position to the right and vice versa. One thing which should be kept in mind while doing the Sideways Leg Raises is that the speed should not be fast. While performing these 6 pack exercises, one should concentrate more on proper form than pace.

3. Knee Crunches

6 Pack Exercises
Now this is also called one of the most difficult 6 pack exercises. Although it looks quite easy in first sight but Knee Crunches are somewhat difficult to perform. You need to lie down on the bench the same way you would do for Hip Raises or Leg Raises but the legs should be in an upside down L position. Now, move back your legs towards you head and chest in such a way that your knees touch your arms. While performing this 6 pack exercise, try to pull your legs by utilizing and focusing on your abs. Knee Crunches put a huge amount of work on the abs and they can get in a good shape pretty quickly with these 6 pack exercises.

2. Swiss Ball Side Crunches

6 Pack Exercises
Swiss Ball Side Crunches is an easy exercise but requires proper position and form to perform it correctly. Place your right or left hip steadfastly on the Swiss ball while making sure that your upper body is clear of the ball. Place you feet against a sturdy surface like a wall to keep you from rolling off. Now place your hands behind your head and raise your torso as far above the ground as possible. Hold for a couple of seconds and then let go. Try to maintain a slow speed during the reps and perform it in sets of three with atleast 12 reps. Then you change sides and repeat the same procedure. The Swiss Ball Side Crunches really work out your side muscles and ranks 2nd in the Top 10 6 pack exercises list.

1. Swiss Ball Front Planking

6 Pack Exercises
From the sound of it, Swiss Ball Front Planking seems to be one of the easiest Abs exercises in the list. Then how come it landed at the top position in the Top 10 best 6 pack exercises list? The best 6 pack exercises is the easiest to learn and the most effective 6 pack exercise ever. Simply place your forearms on a stool or bench which is at the same level with your Swiss ball and place your legs around the shin area on the ball. Suck in your tummy and maintain a straight position for atleast 55 seconds per rep. Keeping your back straight is the most important point in Swiss Ball Front Planking.