
Homemade iPad3

Salam 1Malaysia!

Hari ini aku jenjalan dalam blog orang putih lagi, lepas tu aku jumpa satu artikle menarik. Tapi aku tak sempat nak translate untuk korang baca (ada kerja keda buat kat office). Yang ada cuma versi english sahaja. So pandai-pandai la translate. Yang penting adalah video dia..power!!

Homemade iPad3

iPads ain't cheap and people are willing to do a lot to get their hands on one. After a deranged teen sold his kidney to land his very own oversized iPhone, we have a slightly more understandable scheme to avoid forking out cash you just don't have.

Chinese engineer Liu Xinying decided to try and beat Apple at their own game and assembled his very own iPad using a touchscreen and various other parts that he collected from the computer store he works in.

Utilising skills we will probably never ever possess, the final product cost him around 2000 yuan (£190) to make, while in China, a 16GB iPad sets you back around 3688 yuan (£350).

It's not an exact replica obviously as it runs Windows XP and is a tad heavier but we're still impressed. We're not the only ones as Xinying has been inundated with commissions.

You can find out exactly how he did it in the videos below. If anyone from Apple is reading this then we're not encouraging this at all and we'll happily murder him for free iPads. 32GB ones.