A matter of perspective.

Assalamualaikum dan selamat petang. Post kali ini agak simple, yang kami petik dari 9gag[dot]com. Cuba fahamkan setiap gambar...hehehe. Apa yang terkandung dalam gambar ini amat mendalam maksudnya...

When your son ask you why he has to study.....show him this photo.
When your son ask you why he has to study.....show him this photo. When your son daughter ask you why he has to study.....show him her this photo.

 When your son daughter ask you why he has to study.....show him her this photo.
When your son ask you why he has to study.....show him this photo. When your son daughter ask you why he has to study.....show him her this photo.

Haaaa...betul tak apa yang terkandung dalam gambar ni?