Budak baru 13 tahun dah cipta laman sosial lebih baik daripada Facebook

Siapa sangka baru 13 tahun sudah cipta laman sosial seperti Facebook..
saya petik daripada kosmo online

BANDUNG - Walaupun baru berusia 13 tahun, seorang budak lelaki di Indonesia, Muhamad Yahya Harlan ternyata hebat apabila dia mencipta laman jaringan sosial mirip Facebook, lapor akhbar dalam talian, Tribunnews.com semalam.

Laman itu yang dinamakan salingsapa.com dapat disiapkan Muhamad yang belajar di Sekolah Alam Bandung, di sini, dalam masa sebulan.

Konsep salingaapa.com hampir menyerupai Facebook yang diasaskan oleh Mark Zuckerberg dari Amerika Syarikat tetapi Muhamad berkata, laman webnya menampilkan beberapa ciri tambahan.

"Pada awalnya, saya menonton berita tentang ada orang Indonesia yang mencipta laman web seperti Facebook dalam bahasa Indonesia.

"Saya terus terfikir, saya juga boleh mencipta laman web serupa, tetapi lebih baik lagi," kata Muhamad ketika ditemui di sekolahnya kelmarin.

Seterusnya, anak sulung pasangan Yan Harlan, 45, dan isterinya, Fidriana, 37, itu mulai 'mengklik' komputernya untuk merancang ciri-ciri laman sosial yang akan dihasilkan nanti.

Dia turut mendapat bantuan daripada ayahnya yang menyumbang idea tentang ciri-ciri yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan salingsapa.com.

Kini, kejayaan pelajar cilik itu mendapat penghargaan daripada pelbagai pihak. 

Menurut ibunya, Muhammad membentangkan hasil kerjanya itu di hadapan 12 mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung semalam.

"Harapan kami ialah laman sosial ciptaan anak saya ini akan digunakan untuk tujuan kebaikan," kata ibunya.

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Top 10 Deadliest bugs-insects

Fat Tailed Scorpion
Top 10 deadliest bugs and insects are hard to find because every bug and insect has its own specialty. In our normal routine we use to see different types of insects and bugs on daily basis and sometimes we just walk away without even noticing them. Most of the times we use to hear that one of our friends is bitten by a bug or sometimes we see faces which show as weird liked swollen or skin color change in excess manner or may be something more after bitten by the bugs or insects. According to scientists there are thousands of bug species which are very dangerous for human being but among thesethousands there are many which can be called extremelydangerous. The following list basically explains those bugs which are dangerous and can become a main reason of death as well and the list is also made on the number of deaths caused by these species of bugs and insects. In this list there may be not all of them which you have seen but some may have crossed your eyes anyhow. So beware of these deadliest bugs and insects and share the knowledge of Top 10 most deadliest bugs and insects with your friends.

10. Yellow Jacket

Yellow Jacket
Yellow Jacket is the World’s most aggressive bug and it causes the 2nddeath cases among wasps, about 20 people die each year due to allergic reaction. The sting causes swelling that may be painful, itching, redness and anaphylactic shock which is responsible of victim’s death. Yellow Jacket has a thin waist with combination of colors of Black, Yellow or White and an approximate size of this aggressive bug is round about 1 inch. There is a misconception about Yellow Jackets that they are bees. It’s a friendly advice that don’t even dare to touch the nest of these dangerous bugs if you are not totally equipped with precautions or unless you know the exact way to deal with the circumstances which may occur which can be extremely dangerous and harmful.

9. Paper Wasp

Paper Wasp
Paper Wasp is considered in some of the world’s deadliest and most venomous wasps, killing about 40 people per year. The sting causes swelling, redness, itching, Diarrhea and anaphylactic shock that may lead to death. The name reflects the living style of paper wasp because they build their nest in the form of hard paper. When it comes to defending of the nest almost all the wasps are quite aggressive about it but in case of Paper wasp they don’t leave their disturbing enemy so easily and fight till the last breath. Paper wasps are approximately 0.75 to 1 inch in length and have a body color combination of Black and Yellow mostly.

8. Army Ant

Army Ant
For Army Ant food is everything that move, they are not even venomous, but the real danger is the great number that walk together and that reflects the name which is given to them because of their combining efforts to hunt for food. In other words Army ants are a highly organized military machine and a maximum of 20 million individuals move together searching about food, they can take down a cow/buffalo in few hours. Army ants have razor sharp pinches that can easily penetrate human skin. One of the most interesting things about Army ants is that they are blind and need movement to trigger their attack. The death of the victim may occur because of the complication caused by the sting about 20 to 50 people die each year. If we do some analysis and research then for every human on earth there are at least one million ants.

7. Giant Japanese Hornet

Giant Japanese Hornet
Giant Japanese Hornet is one of the World’s deadliest, most aggressive and most venomous hornet. Giant Japanese Hornet is also sometimes called the natural born killer or killing machine. The speed, power and ability of can be judged like this that only 30 Giant Japanese Hornet are enough to kill 30,000 honey bees in 2 to 3 hours. Giant Japanese Hornet is approximately 5 times in size as compared to a normal honey bee. As it’s the most venomous winged/flying insect. The sting causes swelling, respiration failure, anaphylactic shock and can rarely damage the tissue, it causes 110 death cases.

6. Africanized Honey Bee

Africanized Honey Bee
Africanized Honey Bee is one of the World’s most aggressive and deadliest Bee, causes more than 620 death cases per year. The toxicity of the venom causes respiration failure, swelling and anaphylactic shock that lead to death. It’s a common saying about these bees that if you are not wearing a proper bee suit then don’t even dare to mess around their nest because they are very much conscious about their nest and attack in a huge number together leaving no way out. They are also called the killer bees. They are mostly located in almost all the south and south western region of USA. The growth of Africanized Honey Bee has rapidly increased in the last 15 years and is still increasing.

5. Flea

In addition to the annoying sting, By sucking blood from many animals, Fleas transfer disease such as tularemia a sting of an infected Flea causes , fever and lethargy ,the illness may Duarte for one week but the annual fatalities are above 1300 . Some of the most interesting things about Flea are that they are able to more than 100 times of its own body weight and the muscles in their legs are powered by a special protein which enables sudden release of energy and it’s this protein that propels their famous jump. In old times Flea use to fly but now they have lost this ability and instead of flying now they have a very powerful jump. In the Middle Ages Flea plague has destroyed 3rdof the population in Europe.

4. Fat Tailed scorpion

Fat Tailed Scorpion
Fat Tailed Scorpion is not only counted in our list Top 10 deadliest bugs and insects but it’s also counted the list of most dangerous scorpions of the world. Fat Tailed scorpion is the World’s deadliest scorpion. Fat Tailed scorpions are mostly found in Africa and Middle East. it causes the majority of the 5000 deaths cases caused by all scorpions. The sting causes nausea, general weakness and malaise, burning, difficulty breathing and swallowing and trouble focusing eyes. Fat Tailed Scorpion is very aggressive natured scorpion which never allows its food to leave so easily from the sharp and powerful scissors. One interesting thing about Fat Tailed Scorpion is that most of the people around the globe love to keep it as a pet.

3. Kissing Bug

Kissing Bug
Kissing Bug is a name which creates an unknown lovely first impression of the bug in the eyes of the viewer as compared to a name but when it comes to reality and massive loss that can be caused by this Bug then the eyes open wide for a sec. Kissing Bug can transfer disease from many animals like horses, by sucking blood from mouth, nose and eyes while they are sleeping. By this operation some victims get infected by Chaga, which transforms to chronic and cardiac diseases after 30 years from. The first sting the indirect reaction causes 14000 death cases according to annual report of Centers for Diseases Control (CDC).

2. Tsetse Fly

Tsetse Fly
Tsetse Fly is the World’s deadliest fly .The Tsetse fly feeds on the blood of vertebrates. Tsetse Fly is mostly found in Africa and it spreads the disease trypanosome in humans and another thing which is mostly found in bitten cases of Tsetse Fly is that the victim feels extremely weak. It kills between 250,000 to 300,000 people per year, just by transferring diseases. Their size varies between 0.6 to 1.4 cm. Some people also say that they are the size of a normal house fly. If you are bitten by Tsetse Fly and If serious precautions and medication is not taken immediately then the results can turn severely dangerous.

1. Anopheles Mosquito (Malaria Mosquito)

Anopheles Mosquito (Malaria Mosquito)
Anopheles Mosquito is the leading one in our list which looks like a small innocent bug but in reality it’s a massive human destruction machine and is called the World’s most deadly bug. It transfers diseases for up to 7 million people per year and kills 2 million people each year indirectly by Malaria diseases. There is no specialty that where Anopheles Mosquito can be found mostly. It can be anywhere, may be in your garden as well. Most of the time the well aware people use to spray their house gardens and lawns to get this deadly bug killed to avoid malaria. By the way a quick question from you. Do you have Anopheles Mosquito (Malaria Mosquito) in your area ?
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Killer Whales Are Actually Dolphins

“Killer Whales”, or Orcas, are actually dolphins. In fact, they are the largest member of the dolphin family, Delphinidae.

Now strictly speaking, whales are marine animals of the order of Cetacea and occasionally Cetacea is used to refer to not just whales, but also porpoises and dolphins. However, it generally excludes these latter mariner animals, which belong to the sub-order Odontoceti. So depending on who you talk to dolphins, including the Orca, may be considered whales and dolphins or may be considered a separate marine animal from other whales. But in either case, Orcas are one of the 35 species in the oceanic dolphin family, with its closest relative being the Irrawaddy dolphin.

Other Factoids:
1.Orcas get their ferocious reputation primarily due to the fact that they’ll eat just about anything handy, including sharks, whales, birds, seals, squid, fish, other dolphins, etc; they will also occasionally temporarily beach themselves in order to grab a snack off the shore or ice.

2.Orcas are at the top of the food chain, so to speak, even above Great White Sharks whom Orcas routinely kill and eat. The Orca has no known natural predator above themselves; they are more or less the “kings of the ocean”.

3.The genus name “Orcinus” means “of or belonging to the kingdom of the dead”; the Orcas scientific name “Orcinus orca” comes from the Roman god of death and the underworld, Orcus.

4.Orcas can render sharks and rays completely immobile by holding them upside down. This also has the benefit of keeping these animals from being able to harm the Orca. With sharks, it will also generally kill the shark within about 10-20 minutes as sharks need to move through the water to breath, unlike Orcas.

5.Orcas have been known to assist whalers in hunting whales. Once a whale has been killed the Orcas then try to eat some of the dead whale carcass before it can be brought aboard the ship.

6.Outside of Orcas in captivity, there has never been any confirmed case of an Orca killing a human and only a few wild Orcas attacking humans where the Orcas confused the humans for its normal food or were merely appearing to play with the humans for fun, as is common with many types of dolphins. Captive Orcas however, attack humans much more frequently and some of the attacks have been fatal.

7.Before they were known as Orcas, Killer Whales were called blackfish and more commonly “Grampus”.

8.Orcas can live up to 90 years old in the wild, though more typical age ranges are between 30 and 50 years. In captivity, they tend to live only around 20 years.

9.Adult male Orcas typically grow to about 30 feet long while adult female Orcas grow to around 20 feet long. Their weight ranges between 3 and 10 tons. Orca females can breed up to around age 40.

10.Orcas can be found in all the world’s oceans, but they are more often found in the Arctic and Antarctic as well as off the north-west coast of America and along the west coast of Canada.

11.Like other dolphins, Orcas use echolocation to hunt. Also like most other dolphins, they can be found working together to hunt, doing such things as herding schools of fish into a small area for easy consumption and even having one Orca jump onto the shore to scare animals into the water where other Orcas are waiting to eat them up.

12.Orcas have the second largest brains of all marine animals.

13.According to one research study on the complex social interactions and communication between Orcas, they found that Orcas “appear to have no parallel outside humans” in terms of their cultural faculties. They live in pods generally consisting of 5-30 Orcas and establish social hierarchies lead by families with complex forms of communication, including different dialects of language, depending on the pod.

14.It is thought that the name “killer whale”, even though it’s a dolphin, came from sailors and whalers observing that Orcas frequently killed whales and ate them and thus they were known as “whale killers”, which eventually morphed to “killer whales”.
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Orang Kaya Malaysia Bersama Syarikat Mereka

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera, mesti ramai orang mengenali nama-nama besar sepertiRobert Kuok, Vincent Tan, Ananda Krishnan, Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary dan ramai lagi. Mereka merupakan orang paling kaya dan berjaya di Malaysia.
Tapi ramai juga tak mengetahui apakah syarikat-syarikat besar yang dimiliki oleh jutawan Malaysia ni? Tengok ni.. Kredit foto oleh Gempak.org

2. Vincent Tan

3. Ananda Krishnan

4. Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary

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Hamster on the run

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Crazy Hamster Dance

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Hamster Vacuum!

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The Amazing Hamster Storing Food

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Hamster that can not manage to stop spinning

Watching the hamster already make my head dizzy

Are you feeling dizzy yet little hamster? 
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